遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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父母' Committee

The Germantown Academy 父母' Committee is a diverse group of active parents whose objective is the enrichment of the GA community by promotion of communication, 合作, friendship and understanding among parents, 教员/员工, administration and students. The Committee also helps raise funds for special school projects. The Committee has an Executive Committee, Co-Chairs representing each class, and Standing Committees that are responsible for school-wide activities. All parents are members of the 父母' Committee. It meets periodically throughout the year in the 父母’ Room (unless noted otherwise) and ALL parents are welcome. Please join the activities and share your talents!


Every parent in the GA community is a member of the 父母' Committee. 点击这里 to see how you can get involved this year.

Rewards Program

Through alliances with local and regional businesses, monetary rewards are earned for GA. More than $20,000 is raised through the REWARDS PROGRAMS 每年!

会议 & 演讲

The 父母' Committee hosts monthly meetings or events at GA.

新闻 & 事件

The Second GeAr Shop sells new and like-new GA GeAr and LS Uniforms. 点击这里 to see what is sold and donated.

2023-24 Executive Committee

Lauren Hellman '95

Diana Mulroy '88

上学校 Chair

Jenny Brownstein
中学 Chair

较低的学校 Chair


Communications Liaison

Brian Moorhouse
Recording Secretary
