


爱德华R. last专业成长基金


爱德华R. Kast Faculty Professional Growth Fund enables vwin德赢娱乐 to attract and retain the highest quality of faculty members by providing the means for them to grow professionally, which, 最终, 使参加学院的学生受益. 1986年春天, 为了纪念前任校长,学校设立了一项捐赠基金, 爱德华R. 最后,实现这些目标.



  • Programs which give teachers the opportunity to enter into independent study projects.
  • Projects which enable faculty to participate in extended workshops in their area of expertise.
  • Projects which encourage teachers to travel to the origins of their disciplines as a means of broadening their teaching experience.
  • Projects which involve extensive curriculum development and other areas beneficial to vwin德赢娱乐. "Extensive" applies to a whole grade level or division level program as a rule.
  • Any project original in nature that serves to enhance the faculty member's professional growth and to benefit indirectly the Academy itself.
  • 与学院既定目标相关的项目 战略眼光.
  • Projects related to the current work of the Curriculum Committee or other special initiatives being pursued by the Academy.

Teachers and academic administrators are encouraged to apply for funding to develop special projects to further their knowledge and expertise in the classroom, 计划,以提高学校的目标和实现战略愿景, 以及维持他们个人专业和个人成长的计划. 特别项目可包括下列任何一项:

  • 程序开发
  • 研究
  • 导师项目
  • Leadership and development of annual or long-term working groups within GA or with teachers from other schools
  • 远程学习项目
  • 撰写和出版散文、诗歌、短篇小说、书籍
  • 在研讨会或会议上的演讲
  • 展览或表演
  • 访问vwin娱乐场官方
  • Travel
  • 为其他学校的教师开办暑期学院
  • 特殊的研讨会

从2012-13年开始, the Kast Grant program has been supplemented by a separate budget to include an additional $5,000美元的长期贷款, multi-year 'research and development' to enable faculty to apply for funds to expand current curricular and co-curricular offerings and/or to develop new curricular offerings that will enrich the experience of GA students in meaningful and significant ways. 教师被邀请从事多年的特殊项目.

  1. All applications must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Division Head before being submitted to the Grants Committee for consideration. 上学校 faculty members need to meet with their Department Head as well as their Division Head. The Head of 较低的学校 will consult with the grade level coordinator or department head.
  2. 该应用程序可在PD网站上获得. Sample applications are available in the Director of Professional Development’s office.
  3. Kast奖助金申请的最高金额为3,500美元.
  4. All applications should be submitted in hard copy to the Director of Professional Development no later than February 7. However, applications may be submitted after the deadline with the approval of the Committee, 如果还有资金的话.
  5. 教育资助委员会, 由校长及各科主任组成, 我们将在2月1日至3月1日开会做决定.
  6. 助学金将在学年的三月公布.
  7. Applicants may be asked to appear before the Grants Committee to explain their applications or to revise applications.
  8. A written report reviewing the project and explaining the progress made in fulfilling the goals will be required within two months of the completion of the project. 10月15日是所有报告的截止日期. Reports must be submitted electronically to the Director of Professional Development.
  9. Kast Grant recipients can be reimbursed for hours worked (or “salary”) and for 费用. This does not happen “automatically,” and you must follow the steps below to get reimbursed
    • For salary, 请发邮件给瑞秋·埃尔伍德, 贝斯泰勒, 帕特·捷列芬科, 说明你已被批准并要求的薪水. 请注意雇主FICA (7).工资总额的65%)将被扣除.
    • For 费用完成;完成 付款申请单 (可在GA网站和业务办公室找到),以支付应付金额. Note that receipts must be attached (or scanned) and included with the Requisition.
      • 里程以$0报销.40/mile
      • Tolls are reimbursed based on toll receipts, Google Maps printout, or EZ Pass statement
    • Reimbursement checks are printed on the 15th and last day of the month; checks will be placed in inner-office mailboxes (or mailed upon request). You will receive payment in the next scheduled pay after the Business Office receives the required documentation.



教育资助委员会 will use the following guidelines in ranking the applications:

  1. 建议对教师专业成长的价值.
  2. 提案对GA课程或计划的影响.
  3. 完成这项工程所需的资金.
  4. 申请人对学院的总体贡献.
  5. 在其他条件相同的情况下, 申请人的资历及其对学院的贡献.


请参阅以前的Kast Grant报告